Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Phone, Phoneme and Allophone

Phonology is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages. The phonological system of a language includes an inventory of sounds and their features, and rules which specify how sounds interact with each other.

In phonology have some system, and now i will show you a different of Phone, Phoneme and Allophone.

A. Phone

Definition : a phone is any distinct speech sound or gesture, regardless of whether the exact sound is critical to the meanings of words. 

Example : 

Sound of A, B, C, D, E

/a/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /e/

B. Phoneme 

Definition : any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another, for example pbd, and t in the English words padpatbad, and bat.

Example :

  • See and Sea
  • Kiss and Kill
  • But and Bit
  • Pat and Pad
  • Pick and Pack
  • Cut and Cat
  • Pig and Pick
  • See and Bee
  • Pat and Bat
    The characteristic in Phoneme :
    1. Articulated Differently
    2. It Occurs in the same Environment
    3. The Change affevt the meaning
    4. Use Slash (/) as a symbol

    C. Allophone
    Definition : Allophone is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds, or phones, or signs used to pronounce a single phoneme in a particular language

    Example :

    [Th] : Tick > Aspirated
    [T] : Stick > Non-Aspirated
    Note : "The Aspirated" It means when we pronounce a word we must pronounce with exhalation of breath

    The Characteristic in Allophone :
    1. Articulated differently
    2. Never occurs in the same environment
    3. Don't change the Meaning of word
    4. Use as square bracket ([  ]) as a symbol

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    1. I want to ask you, where did the name of that system come from?

      1. Phonology is come from from Yunani. "Fon" it means Phone (Speech Sound) and "Logi" it means Science (Knowledge)

        For the detail you can check in :

      2. so, the phonology was released in Yunani?

      3. Yes i think so because the history of Phonology was Written in 4th century BCE Ashtadhyayi, a Sanskrit grammar composed by Pāṇini.

        In particular the Shiva Sutras, an auxiliary text to the Ashtadhyayi, introduces what may be considered a list of the phonemes of the Sanskrit language, with a notational system for them that is used throughout the main text, which deals with matters of morphology, syntax and semantics.

    2. If I have to choose between read this blog or do laundry for a week. I will choose laundry....

    3. how important is the phone in linguistics?

      1. Ok, thanks for the question Lana. I think Phone in Linguistic is very Important because
        1. If you can understand the "Phonetic" you can go to the next level or title that is a "Phonology"

        For the simple picture :

        So if you want to understand a meaning in context of discourse you must study and know all of that title in Linguistic.

        2. If you wrong to pronouce a "phone" in a word, it will make discommunication with someone.

    4. Hi tito, i want to ask about allophone.For example the "paper" where the letter "p" is the emphasis? and give another example of allophone.

      1. Paper (ˈpāpər) You can pronounce "ə" with emphasis. For the reccomendation you can see in Ichsan Blog, The Short Vowel.

        Another example of Allophone :
        1. Pain - Spain
        2.Top - Stop
        3. Pin - Spin
        4. Pit - Spit

    5. i want to use all the system phonology,can you give me an exampel?

      1. I will using the example of my blog.

        I see a sea

        ai sē ə sē = This is a Phoneme

        I trap in Strap because accidentally.
        trap and trap = Have simiilar pronounce but they are different words

    6. Hi Tito, I just wondering why the symbol of phoneme is using slash '/' and while allophone is using square bracket '[ ]'. Are they really useful or what? Can u explain it?

      1. The slash is an oblique slanting line punctuation mark.
        Square brackets are used to denote the variable / word.

    7. If there's a choice to play a game or read this post, i'll choose to play a game

    8. When I hear native speaker I hear a lot like phoneme so how do you know the meaning quickly and correctly while many sentences are pronounced?

      1. Hi Novia, For The Native Speaker i think its have a unique (Original) Accent right?
        I think for many phoneme which similar you must know what context Native Speaker talk about.

        For example :
        •"Tokyo is /f/ar away from here" (Correct)
        •"Tokyo is /b/ar away from here" (False)
        But if the Context is : "Bar of Chocolate from Tokyo is good" (Correct)
        So whe must know what context or subject the Native Speaker talking about.

        For addition you must practice and upgrade your Vocabulary.
        And speak up the "Vocabulary" to make easier your Speaking pratice.
        You can read here for some tips to listen well.

    9. Can you give some example of allophone?

      1. Another example of Allophone :
        1. Pain - Spain
        2.Top - Stop
        3. Pin - Spin
        4. Pit - Spit

    10. Hello tito, can you give me definition of phonology according to some experts?

      1. Ok Jessica,
        Here :
        1. Kridalaksana (2002) in the linguistic dictionary, phonology is a field in linguistics that investigates the sounds of language according to its function.
        2. Great Dictionary of Indonesian Language (Depdikbud, 1988: 244), phonology interpreted as the science of sounds of language, especially that includes the history and theory of sound changes.
        3. According to Abdul Chaer (2003: 102), etymologically the term "phonology" is formed from the word "fon" which means "sound" and "logi" meaning "science". So, it can be simply said that phonology is the study of the sounds of language in general.
        4. Verhaar (1984: 36) says that phonology is a special field in linguistics that observes the sounds of a particular language in accordance with its function to distinguish lexical meaning in a language.
        5. Phonology is part of the grammar that studies the sounds of language (Keraf, 1984: 30).
        6. Definition of Phonology by Fromkin & Rodman (1998: 96), phonology is a linguistic field that studies, analyzes, and speaks of language-language sounds.
        7. Definition of Phonology by Trubetzkoy (1962: 11-12), phonology is a study of language with respect to language systems, language organizations, as well as studies of linguistic functions of language.
        8. Definition of Phonology by Daniel Jones, Phonology graduate of England, Phonology is the sound system of a language.

    11. try to give examples of the sound of allophone
      Thank you

      1. Another example of Allophone :
        1. Pain - Spain
        2.Top - Stop
        3. Pin - Spin
        4. Pit - Spit

      2. You can download my Power Point and Listen my example of Allophone

    12. Hello tito! I wanna ask you, Phonology emphasizes sound and meaning. is there anything else that distinguishes between phonology and phonetics?

      1. A. Phonology is, broadly speaking, the subdiscipline of linguistics concerned with "the sounds of language".

        B. Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech.

        You can read this one, The simple Indonesia which easier to understand.

    13. when someone speaks English with his own country accent, the sounds that are almost similar will be really similar, how do you deal with similar sounds even though their accents are different from an English accent?

      1. As long as the "listener" understands what the speaker is saying, that is not a problem. But if "Listeners" do not understand our language, we must also study the "how to pronounce" / Accent language of the area. But still understand the Good Accent.

    14. Im sure, if people read your blog to Exam,Will never pass the Exam👎

      1. Thank you for your comment Muhammad deny, I will improve and upgrade this blog to good blog

      2. Hahaha, deni you made the dion angry, and continue it !! Wkwkw...

    15. Your blog as bush ferguso 😈...

      And your publish as slub fernando 😈...

      1. Thank you for your comment Anwar, I will make this blog to be good blog and i will publish well to next post

    16. Replies
      1. 1. Phone is any distinct speech sound or gesture and
        2. Phoneme is any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language
        3. Allophone is one of a set of multiple possible spoken used to pronounce a single phoneme in a particular language

    17. I'd rather walk to Japan than read your blog

      1. Thank you for your comment Kak Sri Wahyuni. I hopes, i can fix many weakness and make a good post for the next

    18. hi tito, in the characteristic of phonem you said "It Occurs in the same Environment" whats that meant ? can you explain with more simply word

      1. "It Occurs in the same Environment" It means different regions will have different pronounce "a word"

    19. does phonology that you discuss also relate to symbols? I have seen like / a / / b / etc, give me just explanation about that

      1. Yes it does very useful for decapitating words and letters in a words. Example : /p/ /a/ /t/ = PAT

    20. Replies
      1. 10 Example of Allophone
        1. Stick Tick
        2. Strap Trap
        3. Spil Pil
        4. Spin Pin
        5. Stop Top
        6. Spit Pit
        7. Span Pan
        8. Stack Tack
        9. Chop Hop
        10. Skin Kin

      2. And can you clear it one by one from the example ??

    21. Pleasure working with you on this weird, pointless project (you're not even building/continuing your site despite the numerous comments you've received)

    22. you give an example of your story explaining 10 items.

      1. I don't know what story you refer to this post or not.
        But i will divided my conclusion of my blog to you into
        10parts :

        1. Phonology : is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.

        2.Phone is any distinct speech sound or gesture, regardless of whether the exact sound is critical to the meanings of words.

        3. The example of phone is sounds of alphabets

        4.Phoneme is any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another

        5. The example of phoneme is difference meaning of sea (ocean) and see(looking)

        6. Allophone is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds, or phones, or signs used to pronounce a single phoneme in a particular language

        7. The example of allophone is when we pronounce a word have different pronounce (like "thc" )
        Tick and Stick

        8. Phoneme is use The slash which that is an oblique slanting line punctuation mark.

        9. Allophone is Square brackets which that is use to denote the variable / word.

        10. The Phonology is a connector between phonetics and morphology.

    23. Your material was so good to help me understand about phone,phoneme and allophone. Thank you so much

    24. Hy dion, aren't you a boy, and why is the photo on our blog a girl's photo, you're healthy !!

    25. hi, can u give me definition of allophone according to some expert?
