Thursday, November 7, 2019

Speech Act

Speech act.  A speech act is an utterance that serves a function in communication
Introduce By John Sharlene and Austin
1. Locutionary Act: It is a speech act to state something.
Example: My name is Tito.  This sentence is said by the speaker, to state something that my name is tito.

2. Illocutionary Acts : are acts of speech to state or inform and do something
Example : "I am very tired to" this explanation is not just to inform but the speech utterance said by the speaker to invite the speaker to rest.

Illocution is divided into five parts, namely:
1. Assertive: to tell the speaker about something. 
2. Directive: To make a speaker do something. 
3. Commissive: states that the speaker will do something. 
4. Expressive: expressing feelings and attitudes of speakers at the state implicit in the illocution. 
5. Declarative: Speech that results or produces something new.

Perlocution: is a speech act that is spoken to someone who is often influential or effects the listener

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Pragmatic :

Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Argumentative Reading 4.2

Some Causes Of Bullying, Which It Should Be Give More Attention

Bullying is an act of violence both physically and mentally by someone both individually and in groups against other people. In order to reduce this bullying treatment and not be done by someone, therefore there are several causes that need to be considered and give more attention. Some of these problems family, friends and Cyberbullying that penetrates globally.
 Parents is the main factor of children. Where the child will imitate everything that parents do. When parents have bad habits such as abusive language or acts of violence, it is possible that the child will do the same thing. Act of omission of the child because of parents are busy can also cause children to commit impingement against someone, make them want to more attention than others. To solve this problem, parents should pay more attention to children, monitor children in daily and spend time together on holidays.
Like in family, bullying can be done by peers at school or around the residence. Where the role of friends can prevent other friends from committing bully. Of course, If there are close friends who know each other can prevent the bully from committing bully. To overcome this problem, parents should get to know each other parents to make a bond of friendship, so that the child will participate in having ties to other children.
With the development of technology, especially social media can affect children's actions in doing things. If children overexpress themselves on social media, of course they share their daily activities, so that personal information will be known by public and there is no privacy for that children. To minimize children's actions, of course the role of parents must manage and give some warning to children, so that children do not express themselves too often on social media.
Those are some causes that must be given more attention especially for children. Because simple problems like family, friends and social media can influence children to do bully or even become bully victims.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Phone, Phoneme and Allophone

Phonology is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages. The phonological system of a language includes an inventory of sounds and their features, and rules which specify how sounds interact with each other.

In phonology have some system, and now i will show you a different of Phone, Phoneme and Allophone.

A. Phone

Definition : a phone is any distinct speech sound or gesture, regardless of whether the exact sound is critical to the meanings of words. 

Example : 

Sound of A, B, C, D, E

/a/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /e/

B. Phoneme 

Definition : any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another, for example pbd, and t in the English words padpatbad, and bat.

Example :

  • See and Sea
  • Kiss and Kill
  • But and Bit
  • Pat and Pad
  • Pick and Pack
  • Cut and Cat
  • Pig and Pick
  • See and Bee
  • Pat and Bat
    The characteristic in Phoneme :
    1. Articulated Differently
    2. It Occurs in the same Environment
    3. The Change affevt the meaning
    4. Use Slash (/) as a symbol

    C. Allophone
    Definition : Allophone is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds, or phones, or signs used to pronounce a single phoneme in a particular language

    Example :

    [Th] : Tick > Aspirated
    [T] : Stick > Non-Aspirated
    Note : "The Aspirated" It means when we pronounce a word we must pronounce with exhalation of breath

    The Characteristic in Allophone :
    1. Articulated differently
    2. Never occurs in the same environment
    3. Don't change the Meaning of word
    4. Use as square bracket ([  ]) as a symbol

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    Let me introduce myself,
    My name Dionisius Tito Aditomo
    From FKIP -ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, Universitas Lancang Kuning

    In this blog i will share you about my  Linguitic Activities as a Subject in the campus.